Nurturing Uniqueness and Individuality
Once upon a time, there was a Stay-At-Home Mum of three. She loved to make things, anything, pretty much all the things! She did it for herself, for meditation and mindfulness, and also, to remain sane. Taming children and making them fit for public consumption is an exhausting task!
It's just me, Natalie. I'm a mum and I sew things. In fact, I do lots of other crafts too like crochet, macrame, embroidery, jewellery making, DIY projects, I also have a BTEC and BA(Hons) in Photography.
I'm a firm believer in allowing children to express themselves freely, be that artistically, physically or in what clothes they wear. Why should kids clothes be boring, basic and beige? They've got all their adult lives for that nonsense! That's why I select the brightest, quirky fabrics and make clothing that is comfy, soft and non-restrictive.
All of my bits and pieces are made from scratch by 'lil old me in my workshop, mostly using cotton-lycra jersey fabric, paired with complementary colours and quality materials. Accessories can be made for a variety of sizes, including adults, and most children’s pieces can be made up to age 11-12y.
I’m ordering new fabrics all the time, much to the dismay of Mr Seamstressed, so if there’s something in particular you’d like, or if you are looking for something special or have an idea, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m more than happy to discuss bespoke orders!
Have a mooch around the site today and find out more about what makes Seamstressed clothing so special. Thank you for popping by and I hope you find something you love!
Love and leopard-print, Natalie :)